
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

To my dear friends

Life is a puzzle.
And who would know better than us?
We have survived the past
We are living in the present
And awaiting the magic of the future
And yet every second that ticks by
Holds something immense
3 years have gone by
But every memory is remembered
Every memory is cherished
Every minute has made a difference
To each to his own
And to each, something unique
We have loved
We have lost
Bonds have been broken
And bonds are beginning to mend
Our friendship is a model of trust
Of love, of eternity,
And yet we succumb to trivialities
Yet we bow to criticism
Yet we let our ego do the talking
Come, my friends,
This is not who we are
Not who we were
And not who we must choose to be
A personality expose is no excuse
A loss of a loved one is no remorse
An escape into a corner is no solution
I love you guys
And I would always love you
Change is good, but a bad change is always bad
Our friendship should not be a victim to that
Guys, let it go, whatever has wound you
Every person, has reasons, so very plentiful
Why I hurt you, why you hurt me, will go on
Look back at what we let go
Bring it back, and move on
Every tear lost
Every laughter found
Every movie together
Every bond reformed
We don’t need a reason to stay together
But we all know, we cannot do alone
So friends, my friends, come closer
Lets settle our disputes
And assuage our wounds
Let love be the messiah
Let trust be the soldier
I love you guys
And I wish you to be there forever
These moments may not come back
These years may desert us
It is veritable, that time is like sand
Let us put a thousand moments
In every grain of this sand
And every moment shall be filled with laughter anew
With joy boundless
With an energy so infectious
That, years later, when I see you my friend
In the distance, a light, smiling at me
I can feel euphoria in my soul
For I will know, that nowhere in the world
Will I ever find a friend so true
Friends, my dear friends, I will always love you.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, great piece of work saumya. Particularly impressed with the depth n the simplicity.
