
Sunday, August 14, 2011

India at 64

As the country, which was formerly known as 'golden bird', turns 64, we look back at many unsolved issues and find a large hole in the dignity of the countrymen.

With many unsolved problems like population, poverty, inflation, unemployment, corruption and terrorism, politicians of India still continue to make promises which are never fulfilled and don't seem to be fulfilled in the coming future. The country still has to tackle a lot of problems and yet the billionaires and the politicians believe that the country can be the next superpower of the world. This belief of theirs raises just one question in the mind of the "aam aadmi" - 'Is the country going to be the next superpower in the virtual world or the real world?' With all the politicians looking forward to fill their pockets with thousands of crore of rupees, the country is set to crash down. As observed from the ongoing scandals, every politician from the lower level to the higher level just wants to save their future, and they don't give a damn about the country and its people for whom they have been elected. The politicians have now crossed the limit and they are corrupting the country even if it is visible to the people through the media and many reliable sources.

However, these deteriorating conditions of the country have produced some superheroes. Some are real heroes like Anna Hazare, who is a gandhian and has no intention at all to launder money from people and ride imported cars. He just wants his country free from the silly politicians who are in the ministry only for their own personal interest. Anna is ready to forfeit his own food for the sake of the common man. Even the common man seems to support Anna Hazare by taking part in his fasts and sporting gandhi caps saying (in marathi) "Mi Anna Hazare". It seems that finally the common Indians have finally got a true gandhian in the form of Anna Hazare. But there are some people, especially "saints", who are pretending to be truthful leaders and gain sympathy from the common man for the sake of sale of their items and gain vote in the coming elections. Fortunately, the common man is not yet so foolish to believe in these fake leaders and are still on the right track and tend to make right decisions.

With the increasing age of our motherland, terrorism and corruption also increase day by day. The people live with a fear that a blast may occur at any place they go. Many small groups seem to terrorize people with bomb blasts and attacks which claim many innocent lives. And the government's lame take on the issue of terrorism is eye opening. The "respected" government of India is not bothered at all, by the disturbances caused because of the MVPs (most valuable prisoners). They just practice the same old drill of blame-game on the other politicians and the common man suffers due to this. Even if the real "Osama" is dead, India seems to have produced its own Osama, popularly known as "Minister". If any politician reads this blog he will have the same answer ready on his tip of the tongue, "if you think that we are wrong, then the youth should enter politics." But the main problem is that the youth is not allowed to be a part of the politics by the old ministers as they don't want to spoil their game of money. The defence personnel of our country, who keep their lives at stake so that the people can enjoy a calm and peaceful sleep, are betrayed by their own political leaders.

The problems remain in the country, and if these problem continue then the country's doomsday is certainly going to occur earlier than the actual doomsday. But still the power remains in the hands of the common man and he has the potential to tackle these problems and lead the country to a brighter future. And we can change if we believe in the change.

Happy Independence Day!! JAI HIND!!

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