Have you ever dreamt to fly? Leaving high-pressure and tight life in campus… Japanese girl Natsumi Hayashi was a one person as like us dreaming to fly until she found a way-out. How is it possible, does she really levitate?
First of all, this cute girl is professional artist and photographer who living with two cats. One day, she happened to take a picture of man leaping, and she felt that he suspended in mid-air. She named the picture “Today’s levitation”. Soon Natsumi Hayashi started posting her levitating photos at her own photo blog and facebook, which was previously saying to viewers about ordinary girl’s ordinary life. Then, Natsumi started posting self-levitating-portraits, the results are amazing, visitors to her blog has become thousands; also bring her popularity.

I honestly hope that you did not take expectation to fly against the earth gravitational pull. And for the facts: People do not levitate. Natsumi Hayashi does not levitate. She just takes the photographs and beautiful photographs at that.
How she take these levitating pictures. It is nothing to do with invisible wires and Photoshop. It is very simple and graceful process: she leaps. She takes-out her camera in the Tokyo streets and looking for inspiration. Once she found, she starts leap until find perfect and realistic picture. Sometimes she claims to jump hundreds of times. By doing so, she manages to share a sense of mysterious wonder that made her work much appreciated to the world.
Once she said in “Japanese times” newspaper about her pictures “I wanted to express myself in the picture as someone free from earth’s gravitational pull. I also want to feel as I am not tied to many things and able to be my true self”.
Ongoing days she more posting her realistic and perfect leaping pictures, on her website. You can read of her interview from “My modern metropolis”, “Japanese times”, and visit her blog; also hopefully you will be really surprised by her levitating pictures.