Inspiration has its many ways to grasp us and we are inspired for various aspects of life. Have you ever put a thought to recognize who or what inspires you? We all love and respect ourselves very much, so doesn’t inspiration take birth in the deep unconsciousness of our own mind. We only look up to others around us because we wish the same characteristics in us but we inspire our mind that some good has to be done or change has to be brought. Then it’s up to our will and motivation to bring about that change.
Inspiration is within us. Talking to oneself, some say is a sign of madness, but isn’t it also the time when we are letting our deep desires stored inside come out on our lips and let be known to ourselves. We could be saying it out loud and allow our ears to hear and our brain to understand, or we could just silently let it creep into our conscious. We realize exactly what we want from ourselves and others around us. This realization is what inspires us to do truly what our heart desires. You can be impressed and inspired by others, but unless and until you want that attribute, you wont be motivated enough to do it.
It is hard to realize and recognize exactly who we are, who we want to be, but when we do, that’s inspiration and that’s when we do what our oblivious mind wishes us to do. We are inspired by ourselves to do better in life, to become a better person, to live as we wish to truly.