
Friday, April 8, 2011

India Today

India is supposed to be a democratic republic, where popular will is king. But since childhood we have seen so much of corruption, politics and unjust actions that we have become tolerant to these flaws. /*There was a time when we thought we could change it, but that has far gone. There was a time when we dint have faith in the government, but now we have learnt to live with it. Freedom of press has become a joke, and our political leaders have become glorified artists.*/ I have learnt to accept this as a part of the system, a universal truth.

Today it’s not a question about faith in the government, it’s like the government is not only looting the common man, they also are showing us the finger. We are going to make thousands of crores, we are going to resign for from our duties after we have made enough and then we shall spend a nice vacation in hawai. There is nothing you can do about it. (Any question you ask is totally irrelevant cause) I have already given an explanation to high command. High command has temporarily sacked him from his post.( cause there are three more politicians who have to fill their pockets waiting in turn).When I read the paper this is all I see.

Ratan tata: “Hey you can’t use my tapes as evidence against me”(The money I have made is for personal use and you have no right to interfere in my personal life), Kalmadi: “I am clean you can check my office any time”(Yeah right I am still going to keep documents that prove I have made millions), Manmohan singh:”Yes I have told the CBI to probe into the scams”(Where the hell is Sonia she is never there when I need her the most), Ashok Chavhan:”No comments”(Man not again I need to take a break to get my head in the game), Sharad Pawar:”Production is low, there is nothing I can do about the inflation”(Hey I am the king of money making all these rookies have mode so much I cant just watch them)

Ignorance is bliss, I don’t mind living in the dark. At least as we will work towards a better future and one day hopefully the politician’s conscious will prick them and India shall emerge from its shackles.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Moderately pithy title here

"Give a man a fish; you feed him for a day,
Teach him to catch one and he is bound to steal your boat…"

Queer...? Take some time, look around; you will be convinced that this statement is in-fact true; in most cases, be it the Government officials or the Ministers themselves. After the ‘2G Scam’ and the infamous ‘Adarsh Scandal’ I guess we all realized the fact – ‘from invisible signals to acres of land…. They will never stop; they will not falter’.

Who gave them the power?
- We did…

If the people we elect have the nerve to jostle a dagger in our backs, it would indeed be futile to dispute over Crime-Rates and the coercing presence of criminal warlords roaming the streets like they own them - but who knows, bearing in mind the current state of our “Democracy” they might just be owning them… It's not like our government wants us to know.

I guess we can breathe a sigh of relief, it’s not like they own the sea-routes or the oil that comes through it…
Do they?!

They are pilfering, smuggling, adulterating and making under-the-table deals; hiding their tracks with the ever-so-useful money laundering schemes and off-shore accounts while the government officials deflect the controversy. The day was bound to dawn when someone exploited the government’s incompetence while here we are, caught in the quick-sand of economic turmoil.

This is the 21st Century – ‘He who controls the oil, controls the world’.

What if I told you that a bunch of despicable goons have taken advantage of the system so corrupt; that they infiltrated almost every level of it? Bribing that cop seems like such a menial task now, doesn’t it?
With these delinquents running free and the politicians backing them - like any other individual - it gets on my nerve too. But as the “Little People” what can we do?

I believe there is only one way to deal with this menace, political reform.
After all –
“When you trust your television
What you get is what you got
‘Cause when they own the information
They can bend it all they want…”


Writing this brings a lot of memories back to me…it was early in my first year when I heard of The English Club and that it was accepting new members at a meeting on the same day. I went to the meeting without expecting anything and came to know that the club had merely opened a year back and that it was looking for new minds to carry it further. It gave me an excellent opportunity to interact with people, specially my seniors at a time which looked inactive being the first year of engineering. The club gave me a very homely feeling and I felt as if I belonged somewhere even when being away from home. It gave me a platform where only the aptness of my thoughts mattered and not the seniority in the college. In no time I was sure that I am in it to stay…
As time went by, I took up different roles within the club; sometimes by choice and sometimes as needed by the club. There was no place for ego to step in because after all, we were a family. During the three years of my active involvement with the club I traversed from being a writer to the sponsorship head and the event manager for the club. The journey has made me grow both in terms of skills and as a person in general. Being the sponsorship head enabled me to interact with various companies’ officials and literally lure them for their sponsorship. It was like getting the money from the money minters themselves. The experience was highly enriching.
We have had our share of fights and the hang outs, the endless hours of work and then the TTMM parties (Tu Tera Main Mera), but in the end, the time I have spent with the club will remain with me forever. Last but not the least, I am really glad that the club is in the realm of such passionate and dedicated members who are both visionary and have it in them to bring their dreams to reality…So this is me Roopal Garg, signing off and wishing everyone at the club “all the best”…